Western Sydney Regional Conference 2024


  • To build genuine collegiality between ministry workers in our region.
  • To inform and encourage churches to make use of the resources available in Diocesan organisations and wider church resource providers.
  • To encourage our people in ministry to keep proclaiming Jesus.
  • To bring glory to God.

Key Information

  • Cost is: $20 per person including:
    Morning tea
  • Open to all pastoral staff in our churches.
  • Registration is essential – please complete the form below.
  • Cut off date for regos: Wednesday July 31st

Church AV resources

During the extended lockdowns in 2020 and 21, many churches found their AV resources lacking.
The now-recognised need to have streaming of church services during lockdowns – and continuing even when out of lockdown – has pushed lots of churches to upgrade or plan to upgrade their AV gear.

The following couple of companies have repeatedly served churches across the Diocese well, and would be well worth contacting if your church is considering an upgrade:

Open Box Technology

Audio Advice

If you have other good AV resources to share, leave a comment below.

Tips for speaking to a camera

With the sudden need to move our church meetings and ministries online in March 2020 when COVID-19 hit, we suddenly found ourselves speaking to cameras rather than crowds.

Here are two short videos to help you sharpen up your skills when speaking to a camera:


First is Karl Faase of Olive Tree Media offers this short, sharp video with 7 hints for when we find ourselves speaking to a camera instead of a live audience:


The second is Glen Scrivener from Speak Life a UK church resources group:


10 Tips for leading church better

I get to move around t he churches in our region a fair bit, and I find that the quality of leading varies a lot.

This can be regardless of whether the leader is a paid staff member or a lay leader from the congregation.
Often it is a collection of small things that combine to produce the impression that it just hasn’t been thought through well.

So I found this article on the Gotherefor web site a real encouragement. Hope you do too.